contact (a)


Sørengkaia 104, 0194 Oslo


To book individual sessions, please check the calendar for availability. If you don't find an available slot that suits, you can contact me (see below for contact information) to find another option.

You agree to our Terms and Conditions by using this website. Please also familiarize yourself with our General Information.

I want results! Complimentary Infinite Possibilities Demo

Want results? Want to work with me? Want to work from your zone of genius?

An "I want results! Complimentary Infinite Possibilities Demo" is an online complimentary exploration demo/conversation (in English or Norwegian) focused on finding the best path to getting you results. You will be sent a Zoom link to your email address after the call has been booked and confirmed.

Maataphysics Psychic Mediumship Reading/Healing

Reading/healing sessions are generally conducted remotely, e.g. via a video consultation. You can choose between a Magic Session of 45 minutes' duration: a powerful dive into what you need right now, or a Luxury Session of 90 minutes' duration: go deeper for profound transformation and insight. Sessions can be in English or Norwegian. Sessions will be recorded unless otherwise stipulated.

More about Maataphysics reading / healing

If you would like an on-site session, send an email to Centre for Mastery and Excellence.


The guidance, messages or healing offered should not be considered a replacement for advice, programs, or treatment provided by licensed medical, psychological, legal, or financial professionals. I do not offer guarantees or imply warranties regarding the accuracy or outcomes of any information provided. You are solely responsible for your interpretations, decisions, and actions based on the insights or advice received.

For insurance purposes, readings and healing are considered entertainment.

Photo ©Rune Ljostad

Silent Counselling® Rapid Energy Release

Silent Counselling® sessions are conducted remotely, e.g. via a video consultation and are of 90 minutes' duration. Sessions can be in English or Norwegian.

More about Silent Counselling®


The guidance, messages or healing offered should not be considered a replacement for advice, programs, or treatment provided by licensed medical, psychological, legal, or financial professionals. I do not offer guarantees or imply warranties regarding the accuracy or outcomes of any information provided. You are solely responsible for your interpretations, decisions, and actions based on the insights or advice received.

For insurance purposes, Silent Counselling® healing sessions are considered entertainment.

Photo ©Rune Ljostad

Cantaveris: Vocal and Performance Coaching

I offer play-based sessions with a focus on singing/spoken voice, interpretation, performance, and contact with the audience, among other things, as well as performance anxiety / stage fright / exposure anxiety. A session lasts 45 minutes and can be held onsite or online, in English or Norwegian.

I have a three-year education as a vocal coach (singing and spoken voice) from the Complete Vocal Institute in Denmark, a Master's degree in music therapy from the Norwegian Academy of Music with voice as my main instrument, and a four-year specialization at master's level in psychotherapy (expressive arts) from the University of Southeast Norway and the Norwegian Institute for Expressive Arts and Communication. In addition, I have a two-year specialization in intermodal psychodrama from the Norwegian Institute of Arts and Communication, and many years' experience with the Alexander Technique and the Alfred Wolfsohn/Roy Hart method.

If you or someone you know needs physical or mental health support, the following services are available (in Norway):

  • Legevakten i Oslo, Trondheimsveien 233. Ved sykdom, ring 116 117. Døgnåpent (kl. 00:00-24:00). Ved fare for liv og helse, ring 113.

  • Psykiatrisk legevakt, oppmøte Legevakten i Oslo, Trondheimsveien 233. Åpningstider hverdager kl. 16:00-22:00, helger/helligdager kl. 12:00-20:00. Sentralbord: 915 02 770, publikumslinje: 116 117. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.

  • Psykososial akuttjeneste, akutt hjelp til personer som har opplevd kriser, vold eller er i en vanskelig livssituasjon, inklusiv brå død, selvmord, ulykker og katastrofer. Telefon 23 04 05 00. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.

  • Overgrepsmottaket for deg som har vært utsatt for voldtekt eller annet seksuelt overgrep. Telefon 23 04 05 00. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.

  • Diverse hjelpetelefoner mm. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.

Centre for Mastery and Excellence

Sørengkaia 104

0194 Oslo, Norway

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 3311 Sørenga,

0140 Oslo, Norway

contact (a)

+47-411 50 595

Public Transport:
Bus 85 to Sørenga
Tram 13 or 19 to Bjørvika
Bus 81 to Bjørvika

Walking distance from Oslo S

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